The New Airtricity Under 17’s National League

The New Airtricity Under 17’s National League was officially launched on Monday 27th of July by Republic of Ireland Assistant Manager Roy Keane with F.A.I Technical Director Ruud Dokter at a reception at F.A.I. Headquarters in Abbotstown, Dublin. Speaking at the launch, Ruud Dokter stated that the F.A.I had identified that this was the next step in completing the Elite Player pathway from Schoolboys football into high level elite football within the country. He also stressed that he saw this as the way to have ” The best Players playing with and against the best Players on a weekly basis “. The attendance of the current National Assistant Manager and former Republic of Ireland and  Manchester United Legend , Roy Keane, emphasised the importance that F.A.I. are placing on this new development in underage soccer in this country. The new venue between the Cavan / Monaghan Schoolboys League and Monaghan United, which will be play under the  Monaghan United / Cavan Football Partnership crest were represented by Team Manager John Crudden and Team Captain Tiernan Rielly, from Cootehill,  County Cavan. Both had photograph’s taken by the national press with the newly commissioned Airtricity 17’s League Winners Trophy. Then Tiernan had the opportunity to have his picture taken with Roy Keane and Ruud Dokter along with Players representing all the other Clubs,  except Dundalk FC, who make up the Northern section of the League, where the Monaghan United / Cavan FP will compete in the upcoming season which starts on the weekend of the 7th of August. The new entity will play Drogheda United away that weekend in what will be their first competative game in the newly formed League. Preparations are well underway with the final squad being finalised through a series of friendly matches and training sessions. There has been a tremendous response in the greater North East region with players coming in from counties Monaghan, Cavan, Meath, Louth, Armagh and Fermanagh to take part in trials,  training and games. This is a great opportunity for young soccer players in the area to play on a National stage and we hope that the general public will respond by coming out to see these lads when they play away and at home in their home venue, Gortakeegan, Monaghan.

Joint Committee of Monaghan United Cavan Football Partnership

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